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green aventurin

Of all the crystals Green Aventurine is said to bring the most luck. In life, it helps us attract success, luck and wealth. It increases the likelihood of winning in gambling that is why gamblers like to carry it around. It brings optimism, a sense of humour and the joy to live. It makes us more confident and open to change. It strengthens determination, leadership qualities as well as the ability to work with others.

Products with Green Aventurine >>>

Green Aventurine’s effect on psychological well-being

It soothes tension, anger and irritation and calms us and helps us overcome daily stress. It works well for sleeplessness because it provides sleep of better quality. It soothes old emotional wounds, eases the feeling of anxiety and inner helplessness. It works well in overcoming melancholic and depressive feelings. It feels us with feelings of lightness, optimism, happiness and hope. It supports us in times of life changes and upheavals as it brings impetus and optimism for new beginnings.

Green Aventurine’s effect on physical well-being

Green Aventurine especially ’’supports’’ the heart and is excellent for those who have problems with the heart and with poor blood circulation. Moreover, it helps in recovery from surgery or illness. It lowers cholesterol, protect against arteriosclerosis and the possibility of a heart attack. It is an excellent stone for support during weight loss. Its effect is helpful in fertility problems and various sexual diseases. It helps with vision, especially farsightedness. It cures skin diseases, allergies, eczema and acne. It relieves inflammation and pain therefore it works well in relieving joint problems and migraines. The Green Aventurine elixir helps eliminate dandruff.

Green Aventurine and spirituality

Green Aventurine positively affects all chakras, however, it is still most associated with the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra regulates our interactions with the outside world. It eliminates blockades and balances the Heart Chakra and helps us understand our own need and emotions. It removes energetical blockades and cleanses the aura field.

green aventurin

Green Aventurine - online shop


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