Blue Howlite - The Stone Of Consciousness
About Blue Howlite
Blue Howlite is the stone of consciousness as it helps us let go of old emotional traumas. The energy that is released in the process can be used for new beginnings.
Products with the crystal Blue Howlite >>>
Blue Howlite’s effect on psychological well-being
It calms troubled emotions; therefore, it works well in situations when we are overwhelmed by emotions such as fear and anger. It furthermore calms stress and calms us down.
Blue Howlite’s effect on physical well-being
It relieves stress and helps with insomnia. It eliminates bone-related problems for example osteoporosis. It eases leg cramps. It is also used to help overcome pain.
Blue Howlite and spirituality
It provides peace and relaxation, so it is very useful in mediation. It has a positive effect on all chakras.
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